A magical place to create and play and learn for my sweet Haileybelle. We started with a nice, deep countertop with plenty of storage underneath.
A fabric skirt with chenille ball trimand some vintage pillowcases
keep clutter hidden and add a touch of charm!
We surrounded the counter with floor to ceiling shelving on both sides. A piece of scalloped wood trim painted white encloses her space and gives it that special touch.
I happily realized that I have found the perfect place - across the top - to showcase my vintage children's books. More serendipity!
She has her own bulletin board which she can decorate however she chooses. Check out the blue and red ribbons from county fair two years ago. I'm so proud. She was only 7 when she got those!
She has already raided my sewing room and completely filled her shelves underneath with fabric and trims.
I think the crowning touch is the Hello Kitty sewing machine. So sweet. She has her beginner sewing and quilt books and is ready to learn. She already grabbed a doll body from my basket and used her scraps to dress her.
She found a box of scrapbooking items and was off to make something to hang on her bulletin board. With her and her brother running around both talking to me at the same time and trying to visit with my daughter and son-in-law I never got a chance to look at it. After they left I came down to shut off all the lights and read what it said. I love it. I love her. I am so blessed.