Hi everyone, happy spring! I've managed to get through the hustle and bustle of hosting Easter and now I'm onto spring cleaning. I'll try to make a better post when I get a chance, but for now I'm busy going through stuff and trying to declutter a bit. I have a bin of bibs and onesies I set aside for the farmer's market this year, but I've decided not to do it this year. I did pretty well there but it is a lot of work setting up the tent and tables and displays, and then breaking it all down.
Anyone who makes things knows you hardly get paid for your time, so all in all I was debating whether to do it or not. Then I found out I would have to take out an insurance policy (that would cost $500) for liability insurance on my booth, so that was the deciding factor. No thanks!
What to do with the bibs and onesies? Well, I'm going to post some of the things I have for sale here in case anyone is interested. They are also on my website, www.fanniejane.com, but I'll just post them here for anyone that doesn't know about the site.
I also have a girl monster bib and onesie, equally adorable! These are all my original designs, created from characters in the children's books I'm writing.
I can make the onesie for you in sizes Newborn through 24 months. Please share this with anyone you think might be interested. And please visit the website, it's more than just a store. I'm creating an online home to promote handmade and have combined that with the store. I think you'll like it!
If you buy on the website they are a bit more, but I'm offering them to my blog friends at $15.00. Let me know and I'll create a special listing for you on Etsy or you can send me a check and I'll mail it out to you.